Bringing all the UNC Chapel Hill Engagement Session inspiration with this post! Also, showing off the sweetest doggo! Meet my new bestie, Harry! He was the perfect accessory for his mom and dad’s photo session!

One overlooked location for engagement sessions are college campuses! This location can bring back wonderful memories for you and your partner. Also, most colleges offer a beautiful backdrop for amazing photos without overthinking the ‘where’ aspect of things. Remember, for engagement sessions the focus is on your and your loved one (& pup fam?) rather than the location of the images. However, I’m all about a pretty place that brings back feelings for you!

UNC Chapel Hill the perfect spot for this engagement session. Not only because of Katie and Ben’s history there, but the couple is also getting married at The Carolina Inn, right next to the campus!

Looking to plan your own engagement session in Chapel Hill? Inquire today and let’s start dreaming up the prettiness!