Ah, hello! You know what feels good? Getting to back work again! Brianne and Tyler’s Engagement Session at the Raleigh Rose Garden was my FIRST engagement session since Covid-19 came into the picture. For three months I stayed my butt at home and continued to do my part to protect those around me. Finally getting to have my camera in hand and a sweet couple (still at a safe distance) in front of me was just such an awesome feeling.

Couples engaged in 2020 are facing a lot of unknowns. While it can be so difficult to find joy amidst the sadness, I really encourage my couples to zone out on everything outside of our session time and focus on EACH OTHER.

Brianne and Tyler did just that. Bri told me she wanted her session to feel like a date day for them; enjoying the outdoors, smiling as they enjoyed each other’s company and just having a good time! You see, currently, these two sweethearts live in separate states from one another — so capturing the happiness they got to share in their brief time together on this trip was SO important to me, as always.

Between the beautiful landscape at Raleigh Rose Garden (scroll down into this post to see those beautiful spring rose blooms!) and the awesome light we had the evening of their session, this session not only felt like the date night these two deserved, but it also gave us a brief moment of pure bliss to forget about the sadness we have been consumed with throughout this year.

Brianne and Tyler were supposed to have a Summer wedding, here in North Carolina, however with travel restrictions still in place and most of their guests living in Jersey, I will now be flying up north to capture their sweet day in the comfort of Tyler’s family home. It may not be the wedding they originally planned, but we’re going to make the best of a still beautiful day. I cannot wait to share those moments with you all.

Bri and Tyler, thank you putting your brave faces forward this year. Your love will not be cancelled and I’m so excited that I get to be the photographer that captures all the moments for you, big and small. I cannot wait see you all in just a couple weeks!

-Chelsea Renay | Raleigh, NC Wedding Photographer